Saturday, February 18, 2012

Monetizing: Affiliate Programs

I am pretty new to affiliate programs.  After doing some research, I decided to try out the Amazon affiliates program and the Google affiliates program.  From what I understand, you receive a percentage of commission per click turned purchase.  It's very different from Adsense, which is a pay per click program, but affiliate programs do offer a more dynamic way to monetizing your site.

One advantage I have seen so far is that your reader will gain a better sense of who you through the companies and products you advertise.  For instance, you are able to choose the size, product and appearance of each advertisement you post.  On the Blogging Mommies site, I use an Amazon Associates banner that advertises their baby care products and a widget that lists some of my favorite books.  On my personal blog, I use Amazon banners that advertise home decoration and gourmet grocery items because I discuss homemaking in my blog.  

Currently, I am in the process of becoming a member of  the Google Affiliate Network, which will allow me to advertise a number of different stores and products.  While Amazon only enables you to advertise their products, Google opens the door to advertising other stores you might frequent, like Target, Sears, and Williams-Sonoma.  I have yet to see a check from either one, but it's definitely worth a shot and it really legitimizes the appearance of your blog.

Promote your independent or in-home business using

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Designing Your Mommy Blog

Blogger and many other WYSIWYG blogging host sites make it so easy to design dynamic, functional and visually appealing sites.  I like Blogger because you have the point-click design option, but you're also able to fine-tune your site using html code.  If you're just starting out with Blogger, here's the first step in designing and fine-tuning your site:

1) Once logged in and inside your blog editing bay, click the Design tab.  If you are wanting to change anything like color scheme, image, font color, or layout, you will want to go to the Template Designer tab.

2)  In the Template Designer page, you will want to first choose a Template for your blog.  I chose the "Simple" blue and white template for the Blogging Mommies site.

3)  The next step is to decide what Background you want to use for your site.  Each template already comes with a background, but you can change it if it doesn't suit your site or your taste.  You can use the Blogger images available or you can choose to use your own.  Using your own image can become difficult to do successfully.  I had to use Photoshop to ensure that mine wouldn't tile oddly all over the page.  If you use Photoshop or know some one who has it, you will want to create a 1800x1600 pixel image in 150 or 72 pixels per inch.  Save As a JPG and lower the image quality, ensuring that it is under 300k in size.  Upload the pic on your Background page, align it and it should be good to go!  (I'll discuss using Photoshop for your web needs in a later blog.)

More blog designing articles to come!  Stay posted by following my blog - just click Follow This Site in the upper right hand corner of the page.

How To Put Google Ads On Your Blog

There are many ways to monetize your Blogger site.  There are affiliate programs available through Google and Amazon.  However, the first, easiest step you want to take is to take advantage of Google Adsense.  Adsense is a pay per click process, while many affiliate programs pay per product purchased via your site.  Here is a step by step approach to starting and using Adsense:

1) When you log into Blogger, click on the blog you want to monetize.  Then, click the Monetize tab.  If you do not already have an Adsense account, the Monetizing page will offer you a link to set one up.
2) If you don't use Blogger, go to to setup your account.  

3) Once you have setup your account, Adsense will take around 48 hours to review your request.  Google screens each Adsense application to ensure that they are legitimate and running their site within the Adsense terms and conditions.  

4) When your account has been activated, you will be able to place and view the adds on your website or blog.  

I'll discuss ad placement in my next blog.  If this article helped you out, don't forget to Follow my blog, clicking the Follow This Site button in the upper right hand corner of the page.

Boppy vs Bumbo vs Booster Seat

There are so many baby sitting support systems available.  I tend to gravitate to the most functional, which usually takes me to the classics:  Boppy, Bumbo and Booster.  Obviously, these three items ultimately service different purposes, but many of their functions are interchangeable as your little one grows.  So lets discuss these items based on price and long-term functionality. 

Boppy Pillow vs. Bumbo 

While the Bumbo is marketed to encourage self-supported sitting and muscle development, I was never able to find myself replacing my trusty Boppy.  There are so many pro-Boppy reasons not to make the switch or spend the extra $30-40 dollars.  
Using our Boppy at a conference in 2010
1)  Boppy is great for nursing and feeding.  
2)  Boppy is great for supervised napping  
3)  Boppy is great for traveling  
4)  Some Boppys come with a velcro strap for added safety and support
A Boppy pillow with the slipcover runs about $39.99 at Target, while the Bumbo seat runs about the same price.  I would suggest buying a Bumbo in addition to a Boppy, but I would never suggest replacing this old school, trusty pillow with a Bumbo

Bumbo vs. Portable Booster Seat

In addition to being marketed as a development aid, the Bumbo can also serve as a mealtime helper.  What can I say ... it does keep your kiddo in place and cleans up easy!  However, the longevity of this function is limited because it has a 30 pound weight limit ... or less for those with very fluffy thighs.  The Bumbo might fit your little guy up to his second birthday, but probably not.  For this reason, I opted to get a portable booster seat.  We use the Fisher Price Healthy Care Deluxe Booster, which retails for around $28 at Target.  It has a 45 pound weight capacity, secures to most chairs, safety harness, fully adjustable, a cup holder, and two dishwasher safe trays.  We use at home, to visit grandparents, and on vacations.  

Ultimately, I opted out on the Bumbo.  I didn't want to waste $40 on a product that wouldn't be able to keep up with our needs.  Having said that, I know a lot of mommies who love their Bumbos and can't imagine life without one.  It's just about what works for you!

Let's Start Writing, Mommies!

A life-long writer at heart, I started a personal blog about four years ago.  Initially, I looked at blogging as a way to write about my interests and thoughts.  However, I wasn't able to give time to it and eventually forgot about my blog altogether.  It wasn't until I quit my job to stay at home with my daughter that I picked up blogging again, which also prompted me to try income blogging.

Within the past six months, I started monetizing my blog and consistently writing articles.  My blog has raked in 150 visitors within the last thirty days.  Nevertheless, I have yet to see any bank on my blog.  I am finding out that many writing moms are in the same boat, working hard and not seeing any return.  

I've created this blog to serve as a meeting place, support group and information station for blogging mommies.  Networking is the best way to grow any business, especially online business.  Honestly, I am not the greatest source on blogging or advertising, but I am a good at researching and will drum up articles to feed inquiring minds.  If you have knowledge, questions or topics you would to share, send it my way!

"Two are better than one, because they have good return for their work ... A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."  
Ecclesiastes 4:9,12b